Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The incident

Well, I had my first big scare since becoming a mommy. On Tuesday the new shower curtain I had ordered arrived. So I went to Bed, Bath and Beyond to get a shower curtain rod. I came home and hung it up and marveled at how wonderful it looked.
Later that afternoon I decided to take a bath. I put Lucy in her bouncer(like I always do) and sat her next to the tub. I went back into my room for a split second when I heard a crashing sound followed by Lucy screaming. I panicked and ran in there to see what had happened. The rod had fallen down and was laying next to the bouncer, but I couldn't tell at this point if it had hit Lucy or just scared her. I picked her up and quickly inspected her. Luckily there was no blood, but her face was red from crying so I couldn't tell if there was a bump. I loaded her up in the car and called Brad and my mom. I wasn't sure what to do, I didn't want to take her to the emergency room and wait for hours and then be told it hadn't even hit her. My mom suggested I call her doctor's office, so I did. They said to bring her in and they would check her out. Of course, as soon as I got to the office she had fallen asleep which I thought was a good thing(and far better than screaming). The nurse informed more that in case of a concussion, I couldn't' let her sleep. Let me tell you how much she loved being woken up...
After giving her a thorough checkup, the doctor said she was fine and to get ready... because this was just the first of many more "incidents". Ha, I think I aged 10 years in that one day and earned a few more gray hairs!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

She's a big girl now!

Well it's official... Lucy loves to sleep in her room! Okay, maybes LOVES is a bit of an exaggeration. She tolerates it. But either way, she made the transition pretty smoothly. The LullabySpa is a godsend too. She loves to stare at the light show! I think the biggest struggle has been for me to get used to her not being as close by. Of course I didn't sleep much the first night but I'm adjusting :)

I got her a bumbo seat a few days ago and she seems to like the new point of view it gives her. She looks like such a big girl sitting up in it. I'm also attempting to make(last minute) Christmas cards, so we played dress up yesterday. She didn't seem too into it, but I did get some hilarious pictures.

Look at that headband!

In her bumbo

She is actually THROWING her pacifier at me!

So pitiful

Ok mom, are we done now??

Friday, December 5, 2008

Big Night

Tonight is the BIG night! Lucy has been sleeping in our room since she was born. The past week I've been having her take her naps in her own room to get accustom to it. It's been pretty uneventful and she seems to laying in her crib and looking around at everything. She has the most decorated room in the house so there is a lot to look at.
So tonight I'm going to try to put her to sleep in there for the evening! I'm optimistic(foolishly??) that things will go smoothly. I bought her a Homedics Lullabyspa that Jackie recommended to me, it plays music for an hour and also projects a picture on to the ceiling. It works like a charm for Mimi so I'm hoping it works for Lucy!
We are also going to get our Christmas tree tonight. I didn't get a chance to put one up last year since we had just moved so I am super excited about it!
Here are some more pictures of Lucy and also some of her nursery for those of you who haven't seen it.
Lucy's Room
More Lucy's Room

Her favorite Dolly

Not looking too happy


Throwing gang signs, as usual

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Bird is the word

I was completely slacking this past week and didn't post anything so here is the update.
Lucy and I went to Victoria the Monday before Thanksgiving to hang out with the grandparents. Luckily both both sets of grandparents live close to each other so it's easy to visit with everyone. It was a good week and we had lots of fun visiting, shopping and playing Trivial Pursuit(even though we got our butts kicked). Lucy got to meet some of her extended family for the first time. I think she did pretty good and wasn't too overwhelmed even though there were tons of people.

Lucy is 3 months today and I can't believe it. Time really does fly. She is still sleeping through the night like a champ. I put her down to sleep at 9pm every night and she usually wakes up between 3-5 to eat and then is good for the rest of the night. She also rolled over for the first time (completely unassisted) last week! Lucy got a dolly from her Oma Hahn and it is her new favorite toy. She'll stare at it forever and just smile, like they are having a private conversation that nobody else can hear. She has also started this new impatient cry when you're not doing exactly what she wants... I'm calling it the Diva Cry. It's really loud and high pitched and I'm hoping it's just a phase- ha ha.

Here are some pics from last week.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

5 things

I got an email chain from a friend that asked you to list 5 things you've learned in the past month. Instead of responding to that I decided this would be a perfect place to post my answers... but I'm doing 5 Things I've Learned This WEEK

5. I've learned that Tofutti cream cheese tastes like playdough- and not in a good way
4. I've learned that I'm completely out of the loop- I 'd never heard of the book/movie Twilight until a few days ago. Of course, I immediately went out and bought and read the book. LOVED it by the way.
3. I've learned that Lucy can sleep for 6 hours straight(3 nights in a row and counting)!!!!
2. I've learned that Silence can be a glorious sound.
1. I've learned that Lucy is the most amazing thing in the world(okay, I've known this one for sometime)

Monday, November 17, 2008


I took Lucy to the doctor today and there was no blood in her stool! Yay!!!!!! This means she was definately having a reaction to either the dairy, eggs or nuts in my diet. The doctor thinks more than likely it was the dairy. When she's 6 months old and her digestive tract is more mature, I can reintroduce it into my diet and see how she reacts. As for the eggs and the nuts, the doctor said I can try that in a couple of weeks. I'm so excited and relieved that she is doing better! Yay for Lucy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday Morning Treat

I don't have too much to say this morning so I thought I would just post a picture of my smiley baby.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Lucy and I went to the doctor today to follow up from last week. There is still blood in her stool so I have to take her back next week so that they can check it again. The doctor did say it could take a few weeks for things to get better. I am bummed that we didn't get better news but I am hopeful that next week everything will be okay.

Lucy also got her two month vaccinations. She screamed bloody murder for about two minutes and then she was fine. She's tough :)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Lots of stuff

It's been a full week since I started the elimination of dairy, nuts and egg from my diet for Lucy. Thankfully she seems to be feeling much better. We go to the doctor tomorrow for confirmation. A lovely side effect of all of this is that I am getting closer and closer to my pre-pregnancy weight... less than 5 lbs to go!

My parents came in on Friday night and stayed with us. On Saturday we went to Babies-R-Us to pick up a few things and there were big bellies everywhere! I can't belive I looked like that 9 short weeks ago. Here is a picture of me a month before I had Lucy... look at the belly!

Today Lucy and I had lunch with Valerie in The Woodlands and then did some shopping. It was a wonderful day although Lucy slept for most of it. She is really easy to travel with right now and it seems that the noiser a place is, the better she sleeps. I will try to appreciate that now because I know it won't last forever!
I'll post an update tomorrow after the doctors appointment, wish us luck!

Monday, November 3, 2008

2 Month Check Up

Today was Lucy's two month check up. We got some good and some not so good news. To start with the good news... Lucy has been growing like a weed! She weighs 11 lbs 15 oz and is in the 75 percentile for weight. She is 25 inches long and is in the 95-97% for height. The doctor said she looked very healthy!

As for the not so good news... Lucy had been very fussy and uncomfortable all weekend. The doctor determined that Lucy is having an allergic reaction to something in my diet... more than likely it is a milk protein intolerance. So I am now eliminating ALL dairy, eggs, and nuts from my diet.

I take her back to the doctor next week to see if the elimination of those foods have fixed things for her. I sure hope it works. The doctor did say that most babies outgrow this allergy by the time they are a year old...

But for me this means no more CHEESE. I will be going to the store later to see what kind of soy alternatives I can find :)

Here are some pics of Lucy from this weekend:

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My lil' pumpkin

I had big plans of taking pictures of Lucy at the 7 Acre Woods pumpkin patch. I went on Monday and they were closed but I did find out that admission was $5. So I went back on Tuesday and all I have to say is it is a good thing that I didn't have to pay the $5(no one was working the gate so I snuck in) because there were only 20ish pumpkins left in the "patch" and some of them were bashed in. It was a sad sight. I however was determined to get pictures with pumpkins so I went to H-E-B and bought my own dang pumpkins to make my own dang pumpkin patch. So after lugging them upstairs(the best light) and setting up everything, Lucy was not very cooperative. She can be pretty smiley but seems to have an issue with pumpkins. In fact, she looks pretty unhappy with the whole set up.
The best laid plans... Maybe I'll try again tomorrow :)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The BIG 2-8

I had a wonderful birthday this weekend, although it was quite different than how I usually spend them. Instead of being out on the town with my friends, I chose to hang out with my family... and it was perfect. I had a great time visiting with everyone and props to Brad for his yummy etouffee. Although I still want to know WHO ate all the peppers??? I also got some wonderful gifts including all 7 seasons of the Gilmore girls, a makeup palette and money towards a camcorder which I will be getting next week! This means videos of Lucy are coming soon. I also got a beautiful necklace from Brad that I absolutely love.

I went and got my hair done on Friday and my in-laws got to babysit Lucy. What I thought would be a fairly quick trip turned into a 5 hour ordeal! But all was well when I got home and I know they enjoyed getting to watch her. That 5 hours was the longest I've been away from Lucy since she was born(and I only called to check-in twice!!).

Speaking of Lucy, I know she had a good weekend too. She loves all the attention she gets from her grandparents and aunt Valerie and uncle Brian(who she got to meet for this first time!).

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

7 Weeks and Millipedes

Lucy is 7 weeks old today. I can't believe how fast time flies, it seems like only yesterday we brought her home from the hospital. She is smiling more and more these days and it just melts my heart. Sometimes I still can't believe she is actually here. I can't wait to see the amazing person she is going to grow up to be. Here are some pictures to chronicle her changes so far.

Lucy right after she was born.

In the hospital

One Week

Two Weeks

3 Weeks

4 Weeks

5 Weeks

6 Weeks

7 Weeks

And now on to millipedes... They are invading our house in droves. I did some research online and it says that after a big rain they like to come inside. But the big rain was a week ago and they are still coming in. I am going to Lowe's today to buy some insecticide because I can't handle this! One tried to crawl on my leg earlier. Sick sick sick.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I decided that I am going to attempt this blogging business. The point of it, if there really is one, is to stay connected with my friends and family. My darling little Lucy was born 6 weeks ago and at that moment my life was changed forever. I hope chronicling my adventures (or misadventures) in motherhood will be somewhat interesting and entertaining. I'm challenging myself to make at least one post a week and maybe SOMEONE out there will read it. Haha, or not.

This is a pretty boring post but it's my first so cut me some slack... I'll try harder next time. Here is picture of Lucy at the hosptial.