Thursday, November 20, 2008

5 things

I got an email chain from a friend that asked you to list 5 things you've learned in the past month. Instead of responding to that I decided this would be a perfect place to post my answers... but I'm doing 5 Things I've Learned This WEEK

5. I've learned that Tofutti cream cheese tastes like playdough- and not in a good way
4. I've learned that I'm completely out of the loop- I 'd never heard of the book/movie Twilight until a few days ago. Of course, I immediately went out and bought and read the book. LOVED it by the way.
3. I've learned that Lucy can sleep for 6 hours straight(3 nights in a row and counting)!!!!
2. I've learned that Silence can be a glorious sound.
1. I've learned that Lucy is the most amazing thing in the world(okay, I've known this one for sometime)

Monday, November 17, 2008


I took Lucy to the doctor today and there was no blood in her stool! Yay!!!!!! This means she was definately having a reaction to either the dairy, eggs or nuts in my diet. The doctor thinks more than likely it was the dairy. When she's 6 months old and her digestive tract is more mature, I can reintroduce it into my diet and see how she reacts. As for the eggs and the nuts, the doctor said I can try that in a couple of weeks. I'm so excited and relieved that she is doing better! Yay for Lucy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday Morning Treat

I don't have too much to say this morning so I thought I would just post a picture of my smiley baby.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Lucy and I went to the doctor today to follow up from last week. There is still blood in her stool so I have to take her back next week so that they can check it again. The doctor did say it could take a few weeks for things to get better. I am bummed that we didn't get better news but I am hopeful that next week everything will be okay.

Lucy also got her two month vaccinations. She screamed bloody murder for about two minutes and then she was fine. She's tough :)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Lots of stuff

It's been a full week since I started the elimination of dairy, nuts and egg from my diet for Lucy. Thankfully she seems to be feeling much better. We go to the doctor tomorrow for confirmation. A lovely side effect of all of this is that I am getting closer and closer to my pre-pregnancy weight... less than 5 lbs to go!

My parents came in on Friday night and stayed with us. On Saturday we went to Babies-R-Us to pick up a few things and there were big bellies everywhere! I can't belive I looked like that 9 short weeks ago. Here is a picture of me a month before I had Lucy... look at the belly!

Today Lucy and I had lunch with Valerie in The Woodlands and then did some shopping. It was a wonderful day although Lucy slept for most of it. She is really easy to travel with right now and it seems that the noiser a place is, the better she sleeps. I will try to appreciate that now because I know it won't last forever!
I'll post an update tomorrow after the doctors appointment, wish us luck!

Monday, November 3, 2008

2 Month Check Up

Today was Lucy's two month check up. We got some good and some not so good news. To start with the good news... Lucy has been growing like a weed! She weighs 11 lbs 15 oz and is in the 75 percentile for weight. She is 25 inches long and is in the 95-97% for height. The doctor said she looked very healthy!

As for the not so good news... Lucy had been very fussy and uncomfortable all weekend. The doctor determined that Lucy is having an allergic reaction to something in my diet... more than likely it is a milk protein intolerance. So I am now eliminating ALL dairy, eggs, and nuts from my diet.

I take her back to the doctor next week to see if the elimination of those foods have fixed things for her. I sure hope it works. The doctor did say that most babies outgrow this allergy by the time they are a year old...

But for me this means no more CHEESE. I will be going to the store later to see what kind of soy alternatives I can find :)

Here are some pics of Lucy from this weekend: