Tuesday, February 24, 2009


We had all of the grandparents come visit us this weekend. My parents came down on Saturday and watched Lucy so I could go and get some things taken care of. I got to have lunch with Jackie for a very belated birthday lunch. We both left the babies at home for some adult time. The sushi was sooo good(as was my glass of wine) and it was very relaxing. We did a little bit of shopping afterwards and although we were baby-free, they weren't far from our minds. All we shopped for was baby stuff. Haha. I guess that's the way it goes.

Here are some cowgirl boot socks that I got on our shopping excursion.

Then the Hahn's came down on Sunday and they watched Lucy while we went to the hospital to visit Mike. Brad and I ended up eating dinner at Denny's at 11:00 that night. It was weird without Lucy, but also nice to have a meal with just the two of us. I'd almost forgotten what it was like to eat dinner using BOTH of my hands since one is usually holding or rocking Lucy.

Last week was a long one and I was very grateful to have all of the extra help this weekend! Here are some pics from the weekend.

Lucy with my parents- Grannie and Grandpa

Lucy with Brad's parents- Oma and Pa

Lucy checking out her Pa

Snuggles with Grandpa

Lucy and Oma

Lucy and Grannie

Thursday, February 19, 2009

First Meal

Lucy had her first meal 2 weeks ago, but I'm just now getting to post about it. I made the rice cereal from scratch, got her strapped into her bouncer (we didn't have a highchair yet), put a bib on a her and then went for it! She was receptive to the whole idea of eating and would open her mouth WIDE for the spoon. But once the food got in her mouth, it was a different story. She screwed up her face and gave me this look like "what are you doing to me?". Then she pushed probably half of the food back out of her mouth.

Since then she's been eating about an ounce of rice cereal almost every day. She seems to be getting the hang of it more and more each time. We went and got her a highchair and she seems to enjoy that. It has an activity center built into the tray so it gives her something to do while I get the food ready.

I'm not sure what food I'm going to do next, but my goal is to make all of her food myself. I got a book from Brian about how to make and freeze baby food and it has some awesome ideas and recipes. It's called Cooking for Baby and I highly recommend it!

Flowers, Firearms and Funny Sounds

Lucy had a wonderful first Valentine's Day! Here is a picture of her and Daddy with the Valentine's Day gift he gave her. I cut off the bottom but it was a rose with a little teddy bear- so sweet! I got a dozen roses and a gift certificate for a massage- yay!!!

Lucy went to her first Gun Show at the George R. Brown. LOL. There were some interesting folks there, but she seemed to sleep through most of it though. Maybe she'll be more into the boat show. There was a National Cheerleading Competition going on next door. After seeing the (tiny) uniforms, makeup and big bows that they were wearing, Brad said "I hope she isn't into that".

Lucy is also making all sorts of funny noises. She does this "clucking" thing with her tongue and also sucks in air and makes a scary sound. She loves making funny noises and even funnier faces after she hears herself.

Brad watched Lucy on Sunday so I could get my hair done and they had a great time together. He said they practiced crawling. First he crawled around to show her how it was done( I wish I could have seen this!) and then he helped her try it. Although she is not quite there, she is definitely getting close. She can push her belly off the floor and scooch herself around.

Lucy in Daddy's cap

Lucy moving around

Monday, February 2, 2009

5 Months

Lucy is 5 months today. It is so exciting watching her grow and learn new things. She can now bounce herself in the jumperoo. Sure, it's only by her tiptoes, but it is still pretty cool. She also rolls like a maniac and she'll roll herself out of the play-gym and into the middle of the living room floor. She really likes to do this when I'm not looking at her- she's sneaky!

Lucy has also developed the lovely skill of pinching. Yup, as if hair pulling wasn't enough, now she pinches! She likes to grab the flab of my arm and do her worst. I made the mistake of saying "Ouch!" really loudly which of course she found hysterical. So far there have been 8 attacks, a few resulting in small bruises :(

We did a photo session where mommy stalked her with the camera for most of the day- I think she wanted my sunglasses back!

Yummy fingers

Her hair is out of control!


Tickle Tickle

Lucy has just recently become ticklish- it takes her a while to get warmed up, but at about 15 seconds she starts cracking up. Enjoy!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


I wrote a few weeks back that Lucy and I were going to try out The Little Gym and Gymboree to see which we liked better. Well, the results are in.... Gymboree YAY (and The Little Gym- NAY). So we are now official Gymboree goers. It is so fun to do all of the activities and sing the songs- Lucy especially likes Gymbo the hand puppet and watching bubbles being blown.
We've also joined a playgroup in Conroe and met with some of the moms/kids at Chick-fil-a on Friday. It was nice to chat with some of the other moms and I look forward to going to other events(like Mom's Night Out)!

Lucy & Daddy's Blazer

Monkey Girl & Monkey Boy

So sleepy

Rockin' the Baby Adidas

Play Time