Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My lil' pumpkin

I had big plans of taking pictures of Lucy at the 7 Acre Woods pumpkin patch. I went on Monday and they were closed but I did find out that admission was $5. So I went back on Tuesday and all I have to say is it is a good thing that I didn't have to pay the $5(no one was working the gate so I snuck in) because there were only 20ish pumpkins left in the "patch" and some of them were bashed in. It was a sad sight. I however was determined to get pictures with pumpkins so I went to H-E-B and bought my own dang pumpkins to make my own dang pumpkin patch. So after lugging them upstairs(the best light) and setting up everything, Lucy was not very cooperative. She can be pretty smiley but seems to have an issue with pumpkins. In fact, she looks pretty unhappy with the whole set up.
The best laid plans... Maybe I'll try again tomorrow :)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The BIG 2-8

I had a wonderful birthday this weekend, although it was quite different than how I usually spend them. Instead of being out on the town with my friends, I chose to hang out with my family... and it was perfect. I had a great time visiting with everyone and props to Brad for his yummy etouffee. Although I still want to know WHO ate all the peppers??? I also got some wonderful gifts including all 7 seasons of the Gilmore girls, a makeup palette and money towards a camcorder which I will be getting next week! This means videos of Lucy are coming soon. I also got a beautiful necklace from Brad that I absolutely love.

I went and got my hair done on Friday and my in-laws got to babysit Lucy. What I thought would be a fairly quick trip turned into a 5 hour ordeal! But all was well when I got home and I know they enjoyed getting to watch her. That 5 hours was the longest I've been away from Lucy since she was born(and I only called to check-in twice!!).

Speaking of Lucy, I know she had a good weekend too. She loves all the attention she gets from her grandparents and aunt Valerie and uncle Brian(who she got to meet for this first time!).

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

7 Weeks and Millipedes

Lucy is 7 weeks old today. I can't believe how fast time flies, it seems like only yesterday we brought her home from the hospital. She is smiling more and more these days and it just melts my heart. Sometimes I still can't believe she is actually here. I can't wait to see the amazing person she is going to grow up to be. Here are some pictures to chronicle her changes so far.

Lucy right after she was born.

In the hospital

One Week

Two Weeks

3 Weeks

4 Weeks

5 Weeks

6 Weeks

7 Weeks

And now on to millipedes... They are invading our house in droves. I did some research online and it says that after a big rain they like to come inside. But the big rain was a week ago and they are still coming in. I am going to Lowe's today to buy some insecticide because I can't handle this! One tried to crawl on my leg earlier. Sick sick sick.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I decided that I am going to attempt this blogging business. The point of it, if there really is one, is to stay connected with my friends and family. My darling little Lucy was born 6 weeks ago and at that moment my life was changed forever. I hope chronicling my adventures (or misadventures) in motherhood will be somewhat interesting and entertaining. I'm challenging myself to make at least one post a week and maybe SOMEONE out there will read it. Haha, or not.

This is a pretty boring post but it's my first so cut me some slack... I'll try harder next time. Here is picture of Lucy at the hosptial.