Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mommy and Me Swim Classes

Some friends and I decided that it would be fun to enroll the kiddos in a swim class. So Lucy and I signed up for a two week course, with four sessions per week. The age range was of the class was 6-18 months so I wasn't sure what to expect, but it turned out to be a lot of fun.
We sang a bunch of songs and did activities. Lucy really liked the one where I'd hold her on her belly facing me and she'd kick her legs as we walked up and down the pool(singing a kicking song of course). She also liked Humpty Dumpty, where the babies sat on the edge of the pool and then would be pulled in on the "had a great fall" verse. They quickly learned to anticipate this and would lean in during that part
The one thing that scared me a little is when we had to dunk our babies. We would count to three and then blow in their face(so they'd hold their breath) and the quickly dunk them. Lucy didn't seem to mind it at all but it freaked me out!
Swim class was fun and I'll definitely do it again next year!

About to be dunked!

Humpty Dumpty

Pass the baby

Get your toy!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

9 Months

Lucy was 9 months old as of the 2nd. My baby is almost a toddler... hard to believe. Her dr.'s appt went well. She was 20lb 2 oz (50-75%) and 29 inches (75-90%). The doctor said she was a happy and talkative baby :) She also had to get one shot, but she recovered in less than a minute- I was impressed!

She is now crawling EVERYWHERE, and usually in the opposite direction that I want her to go. When she first started to crawl, she would follow me around and stay close. Now she is more independent and ventures out on her own. Which means I am constantly chasing her around. Thank goodness for doors and baby gates! She can also climb up stairs, though she hasn't figured out how to climb down. She just plops on her booty and leans back- needless to say I am there to catch her. Lucy also has started to "hug" her stuffed animals, pillows, and me. It is really sweet and breaks my heart every time she does it. She also likes to try to bite my face, though I'm told she is trying to "kiss" me. I guess I need to teach her that kisses don't involve teeth!

Lucy is also pulling up to standing on anything she can- the dishwasher, walls, couches, your leg. She started cruising and will walk around the bed, the couch etc. She even will let go and can balance for a second or two before crashing down.

With all of this mobility has come quite a few scratches, bumps and bruises. Luckily she is resilient and usually won't even cry. Of course, it scares the bejezus out of me every time. I keep joking that I'm going to put her in a helmet, knee pads and elbow pads. Well, part of me is serious but maybe that would be a bit too cautious.

Lucy is also talking up a storm, it seems once she started to crawl the floodgates opened. She loves to "read" a book to herself- it is adorable! I think this age is my favorite so far as she is just so happy, inquisitive, and hilarious. She really is the best baby I could have hoped for.

I love you monkey!

On the move

Up the stairs

Reading her book

Pillow snuggles

Bear hug or half nelson... you decide.