Friday, January 30, 2009

Let me tell you 'bout my best friend...

A couple of weekends ago Lucy and I went to go visit Jackie, Mike and Mimi (and Milo). We had a nice visit for the most part until we went to lunch and Lucy SCREAMED the entire time :) So it goes- life with a baby. We hadn't seen Mimi in probably a month and she was looking very grown up. For those of you that don't know Mimi, she was born 3 weeks before Lucy. They should have been 5 weeks apart because Mimi came 2 weeks early, but then Lucy came two weeks early too.

Mimi was sitting up on the couch with no assistance. I put Lucy next to her to take some pictures and Lucy kept falling over! Jackie took some pictures of the two of them, and the only thing harder than getting a good picture of a baby is getting a good picture of TWO babies. Lucy was like the Tasmanian devil- moving around a lot- so some of the pictures of her ended up being blurry. But Jackie did get some good ones.

Lucy(18 weeks) and Mimi(21 weeks)

They are actually looking thru us at the TV...

Flashback- Lucy(5 weeks) Mimi (8 weeks)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Busy busy

Lucy had her 4 month doctor's appt last week and I'm proud to say that she is gaining weight like a champ! She weighed 14 lb 7 oz and is in the 50-75% for weight and was 25.75 inches which is the 95% for length. She got 3 shots which made her very unhappy for about 5 minutes and then she was over it. The doctor said I could start her on some solids like rice cereal if I wanted to, but I think I'll wait a few more weeks. I'm in no hurry to get her on real food, when BF is so convenient and seems to be enough to fill her up.

We have been going to a new mom's group for about a month now. The first time we went Lucy was just staring at all of the other babies, unsure what to make of the whole thing. She is an old pro now and either plays with or ignores the other babies depending on her mood. Before Lucy I didn't really pay attention to babies so it is interesting for me to see them in the different stages. There are babies there that can sit up, babies just learning to crawl, babies doing yoga(there is one who is ALWAYS doing Downward Dog). Tomorrow we are taking a trial class at The Little Gym and then Thursday we're taking a trial at Gymboree. Whichever one we like the best will be the winner.

Lucy and Clark

Look at those shoes!

Refusing to smile for mommy.

Looking so serious.

A sorta-smile.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

4 Months!

Lucy turned 4 months on Friday. Crazy, crazy. Brad and I were sitting on the bed last night just staring at Lucy, marveling at our beautiful daughter and wondering what we ever did before she came along...

Her personality is really starting to show these days and I am so amazed at what a wonderful little person she is. She smiles easily but you have to work for it to make her laugh. She's very inquisitive and likes to look at everything and her eyes will follow you around the room. She's active ALL the time. Even when she is just sitting there, she kicks her legs constantly and waves her arms. She's a cuddler, but she also has periods during the day when she wants to be left to her own devices.

Physically she is getting stronger too. She has great control of her head and neck and is sitting up (assisted) pretty good. She is very in to grabbing things these days. Her doll, toys, pacifier, my hair... and it all goes straight into the mouth. She has been drooling like crazy so everyone says teeth are coming soon. I've heard teething can be pretty bad so I'm a little nervous.

Her sleeping pattern had gotten a little disrupted. I think the holidays threw off her schedule and she's also been congested and it gets worse when she is laying down flat. So for now she is back to sleeping in the bouncer in our room. The other issue is that her weight gain had slowed down pretty drastically. I took her to the pediatrician who said Lucy looked fine so it was probably just a dwindling supply. So I basically had to feed her non stop for several days. She seems to be back on track and making up for lost time- she gained 8 ounces last week! But again, I think this disrupted her sleeping too. So instead of sleeping through the night, she is up 2-3 times.

Good news is Lucy is growing like a weed again and she doesn't seem to mind the changes in her sleep. Bad news is that Mom is getting horrible sleep and feels like a zombie :)
I plan on trying to get her back in her room as soon her congestion clears up.

Here are some pics of our lovely Lucy.


Hi Everyone. We have been having technical difficulties in the Hahn household so I haven't been able to post anything. We have satellite internet at the house and it has been having MAJOR problems for several weeks now. In fact, I had to come to Brad's office just so I could get online!

Back to the point of this post... Christmas. This year we did things very differently. We had Christmas with our families at our house. Hahn and Jalufka combined. It was a lot of fun and I was very lucky to have so much help. My main role was to get the house prepared for company, and between my mom and Brad's mom, they did most of the cooking! It was a very good thing and I think everyone enjoyed themselves. Lucy made out like a bandit (big surprise). She got such cute outfits and toys.
Her big present from Santa was a Jumperoo. At first she didn't know what to think. We put her in it and her feet didn't even touch the ground! But after we put a pillow in there, she started to enjoy it.
She didn't think too much of opening all the presents but I'm sure by next Christmas she'll have gotten the hang out it. Or she'll just enjoy ripping up the paper...

Here are some more pics from Christmas Day.