Yesterday was both Brad and Lucy's birthday so it required a double the fun celebration! I started the day by making a big breakfast for everyone. Lucy had heart-shaped pancakes and an omelet. Brad had potato, bacon and cheese breakfast tacos- his fave! We decided that Lucy would have her birthday cupcake for breakfast since we were going to dinner that night and thought it would be too messy for the
restaurant. It was so fun- I'm thinking we might make cupcakes for breakfast a birthday tradition!

Heart-shaped pancakes
My throne!
Lucy LOVED the cupcake. As most of my mommy friends will tell you, I'm "mean" because although I've let Lucy have cake, I don't usually give her the icing. Since it was her birthday, I let her go wild with the icing- and the sugar rush ensued! She was so pleased with herself as she
demolished and ate the cupcake, at one point she tried to shove the whole thing in her mouth!
Woohoo for cupcakes!
She really like when we sang Happy Birthday to her, she clapped for herself afterwards. Then we went to
Gymboree to see our friends there. She had a wonderful time playing with everyone and she got the birthday song again!

Happy Birthday to me!
Brad came home for lunch so we could all eat together and we gave Lucy some of her presents. She loved her
elmo books (combining two of her favorite things) but was pretty unsure about the shoes. She also loved the dolly from
Oma and Pa! My sister had come up last weekend and brought her birthday present early. It's a Little
Tikes castle slide- and it is a blast! Lucy can't climb up it yet(luckily) but she loves to slide down it!

Tissue Paper- almost better than presents!

We ended the birthday celebrations with a longstanding tradition- Rudi Lechner's. Rudi Lechner's is a German restaurant in Houston- complete with yodeling and oompah band. We started going for Brad's birthday when we first move to Houston in 2003 and have been every year since except for last year(since I was having Lucy- I guess that's forgivable). It is such a fun place- good food, fun music and cold beer. Lucy enjoyed the music and her German mac n cheese and potato pancakes.
All in all it was a great day for both Lucy and Brad!

The birthday duo!

Mommy and Lucy

First smash!

Whole cupcake to the mouth!
Lookin' guilty!

Cupcake hands

Too fun!

Presents for me!

Got my piggies and ready for dinner!